Local Governance and Local Development Programmes UNDP Ukraine
Slow progress towards decentralization
Absent democratic traditions of public involvement in local decision-making and development processes
Low capacity of local civil servants
Evolving from region specific programmes - moving towards more comprehensive approach
Expanding and scaling up successful models
Developing new components to meet the requirements of sustainable local development
Flexibility of approach - revision of the further actions based on the regular monitoring of the results achieved
Crimea Integration and Development Project (CIDP)
1995-2011 (28 mln. USD)
Chernobyl Recovery and Development (CRDP)
2002-2010 (8.5 mln. USD)
Regional Development Agency Support Programme
2010-2012 (2 mln. USD)
Human Security Monitoring and Public Dialogue
2010-2011 (600 000 USD)
Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Project (MGSDP) – 2004-2013 (8.2 mln USD)
Youth Social Inclusion for Civic Engagement in Ukraine 2008-2011 (1 mln. USD)
Community Based Approach to Local Development (CBA) 2007-2015 (41 mln. USD)
UNDP present
in all 25 administrative regions
in 2/3 of districts
in 20% of Ukrainian villages
Favourable environment created
for better quality of education
1198 schools/kindergartens
1.2 mln persons benefitted
Condominiums established in 14% of multi-apartment houses
Municipal services quality management systems ISO 9001:2008 in 6 municipalities
E-document flow introduced
Centers for Administrative Services Provision supported
Strategic plan elaborated for 1 municipality
- Programme of Socio-Economic Development of Chernobyl Affected Territories
- Law "On Bodies of Self-Organization of Population"
- State Programme "On the Support of Small Cities Development"
- Model of decentralized water supply in rural areas a
- Model of Up scaling of energy-efficiency measures in multi-apartment blocks
Results of the sociological surveys
Interactions with local governments recognized as effective (34 percent higher than the average for Ukraine)
Improvements in the accessibility of local officials (51 percent, compared to 23 percent from the control group).
91 percent of local experts indicated that citizens’ opinions were more likely to be taken into account in local decision-making
41 percent of respondents reported more trust in local governments
Horizontal and vertical scaling up
- analyzing constraints and ‘windows of opportunity’ at the planning stage
- prioritizing institutionalization and local ownership
- adding new components following justified demand
- ensuring consistency of approach
- recognizing importance of communication
Cooperation with other UN agencies:
- joint activities for Chernobyl-affected territories (UNDP,UNV and UNICEF)
- youth social inclusion (UNDP and UNV)
- broad outreach through UNDP network at the local level (UNHCR, UNICEF)
Cross-practices initiatives:
- promoting knowledge products
- implementing cross-projects activities (students debates on Rio+20 agenda)
- ensuring entry points
Innovative practices and new programmatic areas
- Enriching existing programmes by complimentary activities
- Applying global UNDP experience
- Catalytic role of HQ support
- Policy and legal obstacles
- Need for a comprehensive development programme on the local level
- Changes in perception require a lot of time and resources
- “Channel” best practices on cross-cutting issues to the very broad audience
- Power to bring policy solutions from basic, community level to the policy level
- Bring policy changes to the grass-roots level
- Assistance package to each region should be further developed to reflect its specific needs
- Window for horizontal expansion, but also for vertical scale up
- Specific elements of ABD projects can be transformed and tailored to local needs
- Gradual integration of community-based approach into local decision making practices ensures sustainability of results
- Assistance on the grass root level helps to keep the momentum of reforms
- Work with all levels of government to ensure sustainable results
- Comprehensive capacity development programme on the local level – cooperation with Association of Local and regional Authorities
- Development and implementation of local strategies on improving energy efficiency
- Building up on the partnership with municipalities
- Institutionalization of community led approach
Challenges & Opportunities
What’s next?
Lessons Learned
LGLD as a Platform for cross-practices activities
Local Development Programmes
Our Results
Input to national policy development
Created preconditions for better health
365 local health posts were repaired and got new equipment
630,000 persons receive better healthcare services
186,000 citizens got access to water supply, basic hygiene facilities and micro-irrigation
through 269 micro-projects
on repair / installation of water supply system
- Increased temperature in classes
- Economized energy resources
- Decreased disease rates
- School attendance records increased
- Conditions created for better quality and results of teaching
Improved access to schools:
58 school buses
for 36,000 pupils of rural schools
More than 3100 communities were supported, 2800 community projects implemented
Support to the National policy making process provided
33 agricultural cooperatives have been set up
Crimean Agricultural Services Cooperatives Association has been established
12 District Business promotion Centers were supported
Reform of Housing and Municipal Economy
Providing trainings for condominium members/managers
Elaborating training programmes for condominium members with the MinRegion
Raising awareness on effective owners
Improving quality of municipal services
Training courses elaborated
Лише села на територіях, постраждалих від наслідків Чорнобильської катастрофи
academic course on sustainable development elaborated and introduced in 12 universities
2 courses for heads and members of the ACMHs and house managers
complex of training modules on key issues of LSG for civil servants
Introducing E-governance elements
Piloting inter-municipal project on Solid Waste Management
18 interactive official web-sites of partner city councils created
Crowd sourcing web-based project on
solid waste management
Social media widely engaged
Web-portal of Open Government Initiative created
Piloting separate waste collection in Tulchyn
Awareness campaign
Concept on SWM for rayon elaborated
More than 20000 local activists
and local authorities were trained
Fostering municipal governance
Projects area
Лише сільські території
Лише міські території
Села та міста
Our Achievements
- Mindset of population is changing towards more active position in the local development
- Local authorities are applying our approach on the basis of local resources
- Central line ministries are using the experience of our local partners as a model for national replication
- Sustainable development concept has been promoted and introduced as a training course
Local Governance
for Sustainable Development
UNDP support within Institutional and Social Context
Our Response
- Worsening demographic trends
- Poverty and unemployment among the rural population
- Decreased living standards in rural areas